As an event planner, I am here to say that virtual events are here to stay! With most entrepreneurs opting to host virtual, in-person or hybrid events here are 3 Steps to Plan a Flawless Virtual Event.

1. Know your Market
Know your target audience. Are they more inclined to partake in virtual event planning? How tech-savvy are they? There are so many more questions you need to be asking in order to build a strong event. In addition, choosing a time and date is important. Geographical concerns are a total nonissue with a virtual event. The time, however, is still just as relevant as ever. Naturally, the best times are weekends during the early evenings. However, it’s not that simple. Is there other important stuff going on at the designated event time? Does the event time coincide with that high-profile sports game or finale of Dancing with the Stars?

Send out surveys or start a discussion forum to acquire answers from your audience. Ask your audience for time and date suggestions and go with the one when most people will be available. Another thing you should take into consideration is the number of overseas followers and whether the time difference will work for them. Ultimately, though, you can always upload the video on YouTube after the live show, so don’t get too caught up in finding the perfect time.

2. Choose the Right Virtual Platform
There are so many live streaming services out there. Some of the popular options include Streamyard, Hopin, Virbela, HeySummit, and so much more. These services more or less offer the same basic features; it really is more a matter of personal preference.
Most services also offer a free trial where you can perform dry runs before the event. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the basic functionalities while testing virtual event planning services, such as the timeliness and helpfulness of live technical support.

Choosing a venue is so important for virtual events. Just because it’s virtual event planning doesn’t mean it should be held at your office. Yes, technically you can do that, and you will save a lot of money by doing so. However, remember that there will still be a live speaker and/or workshops and trade shows, and you need space for those accommodations. While you don’t need an overly lavish and spacious venue, you still need to a venue with the basics like a stage with a podium and AV equipment.
Finally, remember that the camera will (or should) be zooming in and out, and viewers will be getting a good view of the background. If the event is held at your office or at a cramped briefing room, the whole thing will look cheap.

3. Market Your Event
Virtual events have to be marketed just like a typical live event. This is where social media comes into play. Yes, there are the usual methods of Facebook posting. You have to go beyond that, though, and also incorporate other methods.
Perhaps you can use Instagram or Tick tock to show viewers the venue where the event will take place. Social media posts can also include links to other content, such as your MC/Host doing a live with you, speaker bios, vlogs, or a tutorial video on how to log into the Livestream.
Finally, don’t forget the event hashtag and use it frequently, while urging followers to do the same. If you have email subscribers, use your newsletters as another promotional tool with links to the event signup page and other promo material.

Perhaps you can use Instagram or Tick tock to show viewers the venue where the event will take place. Social media posts can also include links to other content, such as your MC/Host doing a live with you, speaker bios, vlogs, or a tutorial video on how to log into the Livestream.
Finally, don’t forget the event hashtag and use it frequently, while urging followers to do the same. If you have email subscribers, use your newsletters as another promotional tool with links to the event signup page and other promo material.

Bonus: MC/Host for your event
Who will be hosting the event? You can hire a professional speaker or it can even be an in-house staff member who is comfortable enough presenting live before a remote audience. Whoever the designated person is, he/she should be able to speak clearly, respond to questions fielded through social media, introduce speakers, and so on. The host should also be comfortable looking straight into the camera and not at a script in his hands.

The host also needs to respond at the spur of the moment to unexpected events. If the scheduled speaker is late, for example, could the host continue to come up with things to say to keep viewers from signing out?
Finally, keep in mind that you can also have two hosts that can speak to each other as well as to the audience. This can be really beneficial if the two hosts have a strong rapport and can respond to one another’s zingers and one-liners.
